I believe that God is Love.
I believe that the Father is Love.
I believe that the Son is Love.
I believe that the Spirit is Love.
I believe that the Eucharist is Love.
I believe that the Trinity is Love.
I believe that life is a gift of Love.
I believe that life must be lived in love.
I believe that love is the strength of the world.
I believe that love is a gift.
I believe that love is joy.
I believe that love is everything.
I believe that the cross is love.
I believe that life is the cross and love.
I believe that Mary is the Mother of Love.
I believe that a smile draws its strength from love.
I believe that pain is the seal of love.
I believe that the Church is the fruit of Love.
I believe that Christ wants only love.
I believe that prayer is love.
I believe that the apostolate take its measure from love.
I believe that love will have the last word
Because God is Love.
—Carmel of Mount Carmel
PRACTICE: Write out Carmel’s “Creed of Love” by hand. Keep it in your Bible, purse, or some other meaningful place where you will stumble across unexpectedly.