The most important part of launching this site continues to be the content. Inspiration comes from many places, but the most surprising of them has been the weekly Sunday church service that we attend. Every week I come away with a list of ideas for posts, some from the content of the service but most from the Spirit. I have realized that I am going to need to set up a posting schedule that looks further into the year in order to allow me to plan for special posts.
Perhaps the most significant update this week is the addition of a “Resources” section. I struggled with the idea of if/when to add a store, but I kept thinking about resources that have been helpful to me on my journey and I wanted to pass them along in some logical location. So after a ton of research, I simply added affiliate links to Amazon. I also am trying to added resource suggestions to posts whenever possible. I am excited about continuing to build a list of resources for those who would like to dive more deeply into an ancient future faith.
Thanks for reading, commenting, and being a part of the journey at such an early stage. And if you’ve read this far, please invite others to the site and especially the Facebook group!