After an intense week of frontend writing and backend programming, the site is finally coming together. There are still some things to accomplish, but things are moving more quickly than I originally anticipated.
Until there are about 40-50 posts/articles, the site will still seem a bit empty. So in about 2-3 weeks, everything should look and act normal. For now, things are still a bit sparse.
There is still so much to do:
- Set up advertising
- Fix Social Counters
- Write a free download offer for subscribers
- Figure out what system to use to manage subscribers
- etc., etc. etc.
But in the end, content is king! The most important thing is to have compelling and helpful content that people find useful… and hopefully transformative.
I am finding inspiration for posts nearly everywhere I go, but I also am thinking that there will need to be other voices along the way. So, I am keeping a lost of possible writers to add to the fold down the road.
For those stumbling across this post as the site is in soft launch mode, please jump in! Comment. Read. Give feedback. JOIN THE FACEBOOK GROUP!
YOU are the ground floor members of what I believe will be a special and important Tribe for the future of the Church!