It isn’t often that form and function are so beautifully and masterfully united as Bliss Lemmon has accomplished in these works of art!
Modern Liturgic is a print and graphic design company that specializes in bringing life and form to ancient liturgical and theological texts and practices, creating space for renewed interest and engagement.
Currently, they have two resources available.
The first is a poster that displays the liturgical year in a beautiful circle graphic. This poster is intended to highlight the re-ordering of time around the story of God’s mission to the world in Jesus Christ. It highlights various aspects of the Christian liturgical tradition – seasons, colors, and feast days. It runs from Advent to Ordinary Time, December 2016 through November 2017. The majority of feast days, seasons, dates, etc. are taken from the Book of Common Prayer, 1979 edition.
The second is a wall calendar that provides a glimpse into the various aspects of the liturgical year. The calendar year runs from Advent to Ordinary Time, December 2016 through November 2017. As with the poster, the majority of feast days, seasons, dates, etc. are taken from the Book of Common Prayer, 1979 edition.
If you are looking for liturgical calendars that are as beautiful as they are helpful, then look no further