Inauguration Day is an opportunity for the country to pass the baton of power, celebrate the freedom in so doing, and look to both the past and the future. Inauguration Day is also an opportunity to reflect with celebration or sadness on the state of the Union. We put great faith in the Republic, and days like this are an indication to the voting population of whether or not that faith is well placed. However,
For the Christian, placing faith in the Union is faith-misplaced. Share on XThe Early Church faced tyrant emperors who were certainly more dangerous and tragic than any candidates the Republican or Democratic party has ever put forward. Just like Christians today, they were pressured to lend their voice and support to the needs of the Republic, but they resisted, seeing their allegiances as being more strongly aligned with a higher Kingdom.
The Early Church was counter-cultural.
To understand, one must recognize the cultural environment of the time in which the Early Church found themselves. Here is a group of people who do not otherwise belong together, sharing table fellowship, and avoiding the pouring of libations to the Emperor, choosing instead to pour them in honor of the crucified victim of their rule, Jesus.
It was all very counter-cultural. So should it still be.
The Church should resist the urge to place their hope in the kingdoms of men rather than the Kingdom of God. When we place our faith in the government, we give days like this more prominence, power, and potential than they deserve.
PRACTICE: Pray that the Church would more fully place its hope and faith in the Kingdom of God.